
Decision No. 2/2021

An investigation with the secretary in the foreign service, for his actions against the public office and his misuse of public money

Decision No. 2/2021

An investigation with the secretary in the foreign service, for his actions against the public office and his misuse of public money

Decision No. 7/2021

Violations in the municipality of Blat - Jbeil District

Decision No. 8/2021

An investigation into the violations committed by the teacher at the New Zahle Public Intermediate School

Decision No.5/م/2021

Information Officer Designation

Decision No. 13/2021

An investigation into the issue of cutting old trees and turning them into charcoal in the area adjacent to the watercourse separating the towns of Jadayel and Hosrayel - Jbeil District

Decision No. 1/2021

Central Inspection Draft Budget for 2022

Decision No. 3/2021

An investigation into the employment situation of a secondary education teacher at Al-Haysah Public Secondary School in Akkar and the educator Saba Zreik for boys in Tripoli

Decision No. 4/2021

Investigation of violations attributed to an employee of the Civil Planning Department in Bcharre

Decision No. 6/2021

Investigating the content of documents to classify a contractor in the Ministry of Public Works and Transport

Decision No. 9/2021

Investigation of the Land Registry Secretariat - Matn District  


Decision No. 10/2021

Violations attributed to a teacher at Choueifat Amroussia Official Mixed School

Decision No. 11/2021

An investigation into the issue of cutting old trees and turning them into charcoal in the area adjacent to the watercourse separating the towns of Jadayel and Hosrayel - Jbeil District  


Decision No. 12/2021

Investigate the violations attributed to the Head of the Department of Financial Affairs and Supplies, the Head of the Vehicles and Vehicles Registration Department on commissioning in the Traffic, Vehicles and Vehicles Management Authority, and others

Decision No. 14/2021

Investigate the violations attributed to the Head of the Department of Financial Affairs and Supplies, the Head of the Vehicles and Vehicles Registration Department on commissioning in the Traffic, Vehicles and Vehicles Management Authority, and others

Decision No. 15/2021

An investigation into the existence of numerous reports organized by educational and financial inspectors regarding free private schools in various governorates, dating back to the 2018-2019 academic year

Decision No. 11/2018

Issued as a result of investigating a complaint against the headmaster at the… Secondary Public School for Boys and Girls, Mr...

Decision No. 2/2018

Issued as a result of investigating a complaint against the Aley Urban Planning Department for failing to perform its duties in terms of stopping a construction violation on plot No. …/Aramoun cadastral region

Decision No. 4/2018

Issued as a result of investigating violations occuring in the… University Hospital, related to smuggling cancer drugs and using expired catheters

Decision No. 6/2018

Issued as a result of investigating a violation against the Principal of… Primary School for Girls and the teacher in charge of educational duties at the Directorate of Guidance and Orientation

Decision No. 7/2018

Issued as a result of investigating violations attributed to an employee at the Railway and Public Transportation Authority due to their recurrent absenteeism without valid reason, despite disciplinary action taken against them

Decision No. 8/2018

Issued as a result of investigating violations occuring at the public corporation that is managing  Dr. … Public Hospital

Decision No. 9/2018

Issued as a result of investigating the validity of the construction permit on plot No...

Decision No. 10/2018

Issued as a result of investigating embezzlement of funds from the Directorate-General of Civil Aviation - Movement Division within the Facilities & Movement Division - Airport Management

Decision No. 13/2018

Issued as a result of investigating the delay in implementing order No…/2010, issued by the Secretariat of the Real Estate Registry in… regarding the delimitation of plot No.

Decision No. 14/2018

Issued as a result of investigating construction violations on plot No.

Decision No. 26/2018

Issued as a result of investigating a complaint filed by a number of teaching faculty at the Nursery of ...

Decision No. 16/2018

Issued as a result of investigating violations attributed to a teacher at a public nursery in…, District of...

Decision No. 17/2018

Issued as a result of investigating violations attributed to the former principal of a public school for boys

Decision No. 21/2018

Issued as a result of investigating violations in the expenditure of … school

Decision No. 19/2018

Issued as a result of investigating a case where the treasurer of ….. Port Investment Authority refused to disburse due payments to a contractor

Decision No. 22/2018

Issued as a result of investigating the circumstances of inspecting a power generator in the town of… and the discrepancy between the report of the Ministry of Environment and the report of the Metn District Public Health Department

Decision No. 24/2018

Issued as a result of investigating violations by workers at the Municipality of…

Decision No. 25/2018

Issued as a result of inspecting the South Lebanon Water Establishment

Decision No. 27/2018

Issued as a result of investigating violations attributed to teacher… at a secondary school

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  • Municipalities and Municipal Unions
  • Lebanese University
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The Lebanese Republic Presidency of the Council of Ministers Central Inspection