
Central Inspection Prosecutes Municipalities and Civil Servants & Investigates Squandering of Funds (MTV exclusive)

The Central Inspection is actively discharging its duties away from media coverage. MTV website has acquired a series of decisions and measures taken by the Central Inspection in the past few days. Based on the investigations carried out by the financial inspectorate in one of the ministries, the Director of Central Inspection, Judge Georges Attieh, requested the Directorate-General of Real Estate Affairs to issue a precautionary notice to prohibit an employee from using a property belonging to them, as a guarantee for reclaiming sums of money that the said employee had to repay to the public treasury, according to the findings of the investigation. The employee did eventually repay the due public funds, and they are currently being prosecuted by the competent Public Prosecution. Similarly, based on the investigations undertaken by the Central Inspection, and upon coordination with the Ministry of Interior and Municipalities, construction violations in a municipality in North Lebanon were demolished. Judge Attieh also referred the case related to the preparation of the terms of reference for the Beirut Municipality public tenders to the Public Prosecution at the Court of Audit to undertake the necessary prosecutions. Attieh also issued an order to investigate financial violations attributed to the Traffic, Trucks and Vehicles Management Authority, as well as financial violations in a municipality in Metn District. The Central Inspection also suspended the principal of a technical institute in North Lebanon, based on the investigations of the Educational Inspectorate into financial violations attributed to the said principal. The latter will remain subject to investigation until further notice. Attieh also issued an order to investigate in financial violations in the North Lebanon Electricity Company - Qadisha - related to the squandering of public funds.

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  • Public Administrations
  • Public Institutions
  • Municipalities and Municipal Unions
  • Lebanese University
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The Lebanese Republic Presidency of the Council of Ministers Central Inspection