يمكـن للأفـراد أن يتقدمـوا أمـام التفتيـش المركـزي بشكـاوى ومراجعـات بحـق الإدارات الخاضعـة لصلاحيتـه أو الموظفيـن والعامليـن فيهـا للتحقيـق فـي مضمونهـا وإعطائهـا النتائـج اللازمـة .
Lebanon’s Central Inspection just issued the second preliminary report on the digital general inspection survey that it has been disseminating, online for the first time, across 120 public administrations and institutions on its e-governance platform, IMPACT. The survey covering around 170 key performance indicators aims at identifying challenges and opportunities for reform in the Lebanese public administration. The report is based on interactive dashboards that enable the digital real-time audit of the survey. It assesses the current state of affairs in public administrations, revealing a serious lack of strategic planning, a large disregard of financial management regulations, considerable delays in enforcing the right to access information, and a massive reliance on committees for administrative operations. Actionable recommendations are derived accordingly.